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We prefer Nursery children to wear uniform however it is not compulsory so they are allowed to wear their own clothes if they wish. If this is the case, we ask that it is appropriate for working in school, e.g. sensible shoes etc.


We ask that your children then follow this dress code:


  • Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt and a white shirt/blouse.

  • Grey tailored trousers, skirt or pinafore, please do not allow children to come wearing denim, leggings or tracksuits.

  • Blue and white checked dresses during the summer.

  • School shoes that are practical for work and play, please do not allow your children to wear trainers or heels etc. Some older children like to bring a pair of trainers for break/lunchtimes which is acceptable. If children wear boots to walk to school in winter, we ask that they change into shoes once they enter the building.

  • School Tie

  • Plain white, grey or black socks or grey or black tights.


Please ensure that your child’s name is in all clothing


We ask that hair is kept neat and tidy and that consideration of appropriate styles is given by parents/carers and children. Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted in school.


At Rakegate we ask you not to send your children to school wearing jewellery as it can be dangerous both for your child and others. If your child has pierced ears, they may wear studs, but not long earrings. Children will be asked to “tape” earrings for PE/Games. If children do wear jewellery not considered to be safe they will be asked to remove them at particular times. We will stop children from using the playground or taking part in PE activities if we feel that their jewellery is a danger.


Physical Education


All children undertake physical activities twice a week when circumstances permit.


In Reception, KS1 and KS2 children need to wear a pale blue polo shirt with the school logo on and black shorts. Children undertake indoor activities in bare feet so as to ensure maximum grip on apparatus etc. Trainers are useful for outdoor sessions as are sweatshirts/tracksuits in winter. Children are informed of the correct days to bring kit at the beginning of the year and we will inform you at this time too.


Year Five children have the opportunity of weekly swimming lessons at some stage during the school year. The children will need their own costume, a towel and a sensible bag to carry/store their things in. Children with long hair will be asked to wear a swimming cap.


Some items of school uniform, with the school name embroidered onto it, may be ordered and purchased from the school office.


Second Hand Uniform


We have 'pre-loved' uniform rails in the main entrance with a wide range of all our uniform, including coats and shoes.

Parents/carers are encouraged to help themselves to whatever they need. There is no charge for this however, any money donated will go into school funds to purchase equipment for the children.


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