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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs N Kinsey

A child is identified as having a special educational need if they have significant difficulties in learning.


They may have problems with:


  • cognition and learning

  • communication and interaction

  • physical, medical and sensory

  • social, emotional, mental


Children may need additional support if they:


  • have behavioural, social or emotional problems

  • have a physical or sensory disability

  • become disruptive or demotivated through lack of stimulation

  • are exceptionally able



Children with Special Educational Needs are often identified at the nursery phase, and individual records ensure that staff are informed as the child transfers from class to class; or from school to school. Teachers or parents/carers may raise concerns, however, as the child progresses through the school. These concerns should be brought to the attention of the Special Educational Needs and/or disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) and a record of these concerns will be made, together with any supporting evidence. The Code of Practice is then brought into play and the child’s name is added to the school’s SEND Register.


Further information is contained within the school’s SEND Policy (linked above).


Our school’s SENDCo., Mrs N Kinsey, should be consulted if there are concerns regarding particular children. The levels taught within groups reflect the individual needs of the members of that group. However, some children may require to work at a much slower pace and where possible these children are taught in much smaller groups taught by either a TA or the class teacher. In the case of more-able pupils, these children are also taught within groups which reflect their individual needs. Both groups of children, however, require very sensitive placement dependent upon the maturity of the child. The placements are only finalised after consultation between staff and parents.


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Zones of Regulation
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Well being
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Support Groups

Children's Profiles are passed up with the child at the beginning of the new academic year. Details of targets and teaching strategies are provided and every effort must be made to support each child with their individual plan. These targets are shared with parents/carers during the autumn consultation evening. Children's Profiles targets can be worked upon in lessons, during 1-1 or small group sessions with a teacher or TA. The SEN support plans will be reviewed and a new one written, if required, during the spring term. Again, this will be shared with parents/carers. This process will be repeated in July in preparation to send the new Children's Profiles up to the next year group.


At any point during the year a child can be added to the SEND register or taken off. Any movement on the register needs to be discussed and agreed by the school SENDCo.


The Wolverhampton Local Offer sets out all services available to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, from birth to 25 years, and their families.


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Nurture Room
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