Here at Rakegate we are very fortunate to have a keen and supportive group of Governors that support and challenge the school.
We currently have 11 Governors and 0 Vacancy.
Parent Governors are voted onto the body by the parents/carers of the school and serve for a period of four years.
Staff Governors are appointed by the staff through nominations and then a vote takes place.
Local Council and Community Representatives are nominated by members of the full governing body and then a vote takes place.
Our Governors do not have any business interests and do not Govern at any other schools.
Relationships between Governors:
Mrs D New is the mother to Miss A New.
Governors are rather like a board of directors. They make decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term as a full Governing Body but also form committees that meet more regularly.
Governors are appointed to help:
decide what is taught
set standards of behaviour
interview and select staff
help to decide how the budget is spent
School Governors are:
staff from the school
local council and community representatives
All governors have full voting rights, including associate governors.
Committee Structure
The school do not have specific governors for F&GP and Curriculum committees; all members are invited to these. Mr John Martin is the chair of these committees.
Pay Committee: Mr John Martin (Chair), Mr Clive Hodges and Mrs Sarah Horton.
Headteacher’s Performance Management: Mr John Martin (Chair), Mrs Denise New and Mr Clive Hodges.
The Performance Management Committee is made up of at least 2 Governors, without an interest.
All other Committees have a quorum of 3 and no members named.
Should you wish to communicate with a Governor please contact the school office initially and your request or message will be passed on to them.
Current Governors
Past Governors
Governor Attendance 2023/24
Governor Attendance 2022/23
✓ Attended
A Apologies
❌ Absent
FGB Full Governing Body
FGPC Finance and General Purposes Committee
CEC Curriculum & Evaluation Committee